Thursday, January 27, 2011

I just realize something,,

Even though on vacation I Just realize  what the date is.. Today would have been my best friend since elementary  Kim's 39 birthday... She have died back in 2009 ...  I am always going to miss her..
I can't talk about her much right now because it  still hurts   so much...

Here I thought  I can  put something down about her.... I can't... Sorry.

Monday, January 3, 2011


I guess I am still in  some sort of funk..
Some how I still have to friggin  come up with $299 for my filing.. To some people don't understand why  it isn't already... With creditors taking a  nice sum out of my pay check  and with the holidays came to passing. Car been acting up  and now I think my window of it might need some fixing. Oh yea insurance/ tags for it  had to pay and the usual things I need / have to buy..
 Relationship status,.. um Don't ask.
Being a frisky person   to me like the last time I has sex was  day before Halloween  and.. that might be part of a problem..
I have been  chewing people out left and right.
Haven't been feeling well
Been  waiting for prescription cards.. Well at least I got my medical  but.. not the latter..

I need  to have my thyroid  check amongst other things..
All  3 of my sisters spawns have been acting up Yes, I said all 3

A lot  of people, friends, co workers. I feel have been letting me down... 1 right after thee other.

I've been trying  not to take a few things too seriously,, sighs but  yea....
Yes, I missed part of me I think that its never going to come back..
I think I am just babbling r, right about now,, Tired.. Need to sleep, not making a whole lot of sense right now... I guess..
