Monday, November 15, 2010

A little to do a bout a job.

First step on telling  a little about myself. I have been  with the same company for the past 17 years....
Hired in on November third.  Not  even  twenty-one years old  then.  I came to live in the area by moving  with the folks to  Michigan...Got out of a fast food job that was making me crazy , and feeling too  gross  to even smell and fast food places for a while.  Remind you, I was new  to  the area and didn't have the "Skills" for a better paying  job that's on the uppity-up... I am losing track so.. That will go into another blog some day..

When I first went into the store  I was like  "Wow."  Because, before a few years ago  we didn't have that store in Indiana.. --- But  now  they do.-- Years later

It was huge.  Compare  to Wally world.. hmm  at that time.. yes. Now.. every store has copied each other.

A major grocery store  with  a huge selection of general merchandise..
I was hired in around the time when they were picking seasonal.. But I was told mine wasn't  just seasonal
 a trial basis  and if I did good... I get to stay..
Really, I didn't think I would be staying more than a year..
Even fellow coworkers  didn't believe I would last a year.

Fooled  them and myself,, Didn't I?  Since, I am still here now.
I am  Full-time  for  the last thirteen and a half years.
but I am getting ahead.
Was hired in as a Cosmetic clerk.---Remember Xmas season... Ugh
I didn't receive the proper training..
My manager decided she would go on vacation when I started..
Had the Full timer  in charge... How did  that go?
"Here's the pricing gun. Here's the product." We have  three and a half aisles. Find the stock match the prices ,, price  and put  out.."

Needless to say I didn't know how to put tape in a pricing gun,, but I learned quick... On  my own.. No it's  not hard to do... But  if you never seen it done... and if you know me...Frustrations kicked in... When I get too angry  I tear...

I learned how and which ways techniques to stock fast.

A week  later , I hear in the next aisles , "She's good because I trained her."

I walked to that aisle
I repeated  the sentences was she  told me..
That  was my training  I learned on my own..
I  was still a  nice  quiet,  shy  person .. So, I just left the situation just like that.
I liked my job  for a few years.. I made a game out of it.. Even   when it was holidays/seasonal/special occasions ..
But I learned a few  workers are back stabbers, treacherous wenches..Liars and what nots..
I begin to feel a little better when I went off  the first shift and landed the 2nd shift. But 2nd shift bored me to tears..  I was getting antsy.. I told my first assistant  if I can stock product out faster by coming in a few hours later...  She  said  she was going to  reposition me or  have to fire because they  only  want 1 cosmetic person  for each shift...
I  told her  to put me on thirds... I can set the ads and stock...
Third shift I became..  I stocked.. learned to build center aisles end caps.. I was still part time
 so setting ads was every other weekend.. Met the grocery part crew( shyingly-- if that is a  word.. but  you get my drift.. And they Told me how people are.. there.. I became  the shy girl in the break rooms sitting in the corner... Writing or drawing.. Kind of kept to myself.. But grocery crew was having none of that..:)
My first assistant came up  to me before I left for  work  one morning she asked.... me if  I wanted  to go full time... I was doing the hours, but the catch I would  be doing the health and beauty care side... No cosmetics was still its own department... I thought  for a moment  told her I have to get back with her on  that..  I was just starting to  meet people.. Remember.. I am shy.. so hard for me..  I talked it over with my mom she said, "Go  for it"... Well, I called my manager right there and then.. which is a good thing.. She was about to sign out for day... and told her.. Well I became full timer..
I learned the ninnies (first shifters) didn't  know what to say but the full timer cosmetics told them... Wait...
Long story short... they ended up having less stock to do(that was when they still had to do new stock) Less back stock..
to  be continued

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